Drink Up, It’s Good For You…

Sunday Oolong

I seriously underestimated the weather yesterday, and today I’m paying for it.

I was fooled into leaving my jumper at home, deceived by a blue sky and a now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t sun. Basically, I fell for a meteorological version of the old Three Card Monte trick.

I spent an afternoon on a cold, windswept terrace at a football ground in a t-shirt and a thin cotton jacket. Bad move. Even my Thinsulate hat and club scarf couldn’t shield me from the chilly conditions.

“Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage.”

~Okakura Kakuzō

The minute I got home I fortified my internal defences with two pots of Pu-erh. The way things feel just now that might have been the difference between having my immune system overwhelmed rather than knowing it was in a good old scrap.

So, this afternoon I’m far from 100%, but I’m commiserating myself with the knowledge that it could have been far worse.

This afternoon I listened to my body, and it seemed to be saying that it wanted Oolong.

I obliged, and spent a restorative hour sipping on Wu Yi Shan Qi Lan.

The plan for the rest of today involves nothing more taxing than a spot of light supper and plenty of tea.

Camellia sinensis, work your magic…

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7 Responses to Drink Up, It’s Good For You…

  1. Mr. Wapojif says:

    Awesome Kakuzō quote. That dude know his tea. All hail to him. All hail.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mr. Wapojif says:

    Knew his tea, rather. Apologies for the typo, I’m drunk on Assam with Vanilla tea.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mrszee333 says:

    I am actually liking green tea more and more after discovering this blog – even by itself – without flavouring with citrus. My lemon-grass plant has died but have been experimenting with flowers (herb flowers like rocket or rosemary) which don’t overcome the green-Tea flavour at all.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s funny…many people have the notion that green tea will be short on flavour when compared to their usual black tea, and are often pleasantly surprised when they get around to trying a good quality green tea… 🙂


      • mrszee333 says:

        Yes. I did not like green tea at all until I tried some from China (a gift from a travelling friend) which she assured me was the ‘real deal’. The tin does not have English translation – I think it is oolong by its appearance and flavour Black tea with milk will always be my favourite but I was definitely missing out on the tea experience being so exclusive.

        Liked by 1 person

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